The best license plate on the road

Standing in line yesterday to renew my car registration (or "renew the tags" as I've always heard growing up) I spotted this gem of a license plate casually displayed with 30-or-so other specialty plates available for purchase.


After further research, The Wall Street Journal wrote a story in 2001 [note to self- why did it take you 8 years to find out about such a cool tag?!] about license plates across the US and briefly mentioned the "nuked veteran" tag:
"Alabama offers what has to be the single most bizarre plate on the road today, a tag that reads "Atomic Nuked Veteran." Those who would like to advertise this particular fact of their personal history must get a letter of verification from the Defense Nuclear Agency proving that they "were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation due to atomic bomb and weapons tested from 1946 to 1962."

Of note: Even though I think you should never, ever be given a traffic ticket if you are one of the few surviving people in this world with this plate, apparently you still have to follow all the rules. On top of that, you also have to pay a "...commemorative tag annual fee of $3.00 plus the normal tag and issuance fee and ad valorem taxes."

Couldn't someone have gotten that waived for these guys?!!?......

Unfortunately, The Answer Is "Yes..."

Let's Learn about Hemochromatosis!

I came across this fact while studying a few minutes ago and thought it was pretty cool. I knew about the disease already, but never knew about the airports!

"Hemochromatosis is a disease caused by the buildup of hemosiderin (iron) in the body.
In these patients, the Total Body Iron content may reach 50 grams.....
enough to set off metal detectors at airports."

Here is a really good link to the CDC's page about Hemochromatosis. It's not too technical, and it has some good information about getting tested for the disease (it runs in families) and how it's treated (treatment is phlebotomy-- the same procedure as when you donate blood).

Figure to the Right: Some crazy sketch I found on Google Images that made me laugh a little..

Figure Below: The main events in the causation of Hemochromatosis

Studying Begins...

Today marks the beginning of my official studying for USMLE Step 1.
I thought I would kick things off for everyone with just one simple concept to memorize for the test. This will get you one....maybe two...answers on the entire 8-hour-long exam.
Click on the image to view it in all its glory so you can see every wonderful enzyme.
Study hard--there will be a pop quiz tomorrow!

Clowns Eating Lunch

I ate lunch at Children's Hospital today and had to snap a quick camera pic of two bright-pink clowns that sat nearby.